I’m fascinated by the latest findings made by evolutionary biologists and others regarding human commonalities and continuities that are innate, universal, and perennial. The new knowledge of who we are as human beings is ever more easily discoverable and happening at a quickening and often problematic pace. One major discovery is that we human beings are far more altruistic than we had ever imagined. Although we are capable of murder and starting wars, a number of major leaps forward could take us towards worldwide peace and improvement of the environment. The facts are there to see, but the pessimists and grifters get a lot of status and make bank by pointing only to what is negative about the world and telling us the world is about end. It is not. All of this gives an artist a lot to think about. And I wonder how I fit into our fascinating world.
The images here show how I plan to approach new art works. Although the styles and subjects of the paintings vary, the surreal operatic qualities will all be related. I will post the drawings and “drop sheets” that are created for new works here. It will be a slow process. I have art work at the Chenier Gallery on Court Street in Thunder Bay. Sold six paintings already, which is bonus. And I’m starting up a publishing company, Rogue Planet Books. www.rogueplanetbooks.com
Thank you for your time.